Please upgrade to 4.45 or newer. Make sure you run all upgrade sql scripts from your version of nService.

In order to use MS OAuth to fetch emails, you need to register the nService application in your Azure Active Directory / Microsoft Extra ID, App Registrations. Sign in to your Azure account, go to App Registrations and add a new app. You can then get your Tenant ID, client ID and secret. Make sure you add the nService URL to the allowed redirect URI list. Something like:

To enable it in nService, sign into nService as an administrator. Go to Admin, Email Settings and enter the settings from above. Note, the tenant ID is below the client ID on the screenshot below.

Article #1519
ms-oauth.png (95308 bytes)
Office 365, OAuth, Exchange, oauth, exchange online
Updated On: 11/1/2023 Index
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