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Authenticating users in Active Directory and external users
Once you have set up nService to use Windows integrated authentication, when a non-domain user signs up with the Sign Up form they are not able to logiin to the website. After clicking the Sign Up and Sign In button, an authentication dialog opens, their credentials are rejected.
You can't set up one site for both groups of users. It won't work because they use different way of sending credentials to IIS. You can set up two instances of nService. One configured to use Windows Integrated Authentication. The other uses form authentication. Both instances point to the same database.
To create a second instance of nService, take these steps.
1. Copy \inetpub\wwwroot\nService to \inetpub\wwwroot\nServicePub
2. Modify \inetpub\wwwroot\nServicePub to use Form authentication
3. Go in to IIS manager, right click nServicePub and select Convert to application
Now external users go to http://yoursite/nServicePub to access nService.
Article #529
Updated On: 7/26/2011
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