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Keeping email receiver running
When IIS detects that a web application has been idle for a certain period of time, it unloads it. The email receiver of nService gets unloaded as well as the website. This results in emails sent to nService not getting imported when no one is using the website for a while. If you use the email receiver of nService, you can tell IIS not to unload nService. You can also schedule a task with Windows to access a web page of nService in order to keep it running.
To tell IIS not to unload nService, run IIS Manager, select the nService4AppPool from the application pools, go to Advanced Settings and change "Idle Time-out" and "Regular Time Interval" to 0.
To schedule a task from Windows to access nService to keep it alive, go to the server, Programs, Accessories, System Tools, Scheduled Tasks, add the following command. Click the Advanced button to run the task every hour.
C:\PROGRA~1\INTERN~1\iexplore.exe http://localhost/nService4
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Article #145
nService 4 Guide
User authentication and Active Directory integration
User authorization and access control
Sending and importing email
Customizing email subject lines
Keeping email receiver running
Email templates and variables
Creating reports
Adding new fields
Customizing look and feel
Customizing site header
Session timout
Upgrade instructions
(43107 bytes)
Updated On: 12/1/2010
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