You can change the templates for the notification emails on nService, Admin, Email, Email Templates. When designing a template, you can use the following variables. They are replaced with the real values when the email is generated. These variables must be surrounded by “{“ and “}” in your templates. {srField-xxx}: Outputs the field value. Replace xxx with the field ID on the Fields tab of the Services page. Make sure this field is displayed on the view request form for technicians. Otherwise it would not work. {srIDToken}: [4.21.2] Interpreted to [#123]. Used in the subject line so that replies to a notification can be imported in to the same request. {srIDphrase}: Interpreted to "service request #123". {srID}: Service request ID. {srSubject}: Service request subject. {siteUrl}: URL of the help desk site. Set it on the Admin, Customize page. {siteTitle}: Name of this website. Set it on the Admin, System Settings page. {submitterName}: The display name of the person who submitted the service request. {submitterEmail}: The email address of the person who submitted the service request. {submitterOrgName}: The name of the organization of the submitter. {assignedToName}: The display name of the person whom the service request is assigned to. {assignedToEmail}: The email address of the person whom the service request is assigned to. {oldAssignedToName}: Available only when a request is reassigned. The name of the old "Assigned To". {oldAssignedToEmail}: Available only when a request is reassigned. The email address of the old "Assigned To". {closedByName}: The display name of the person who closed the service request. {closedByEmail}: The email address of the person who closed the service request. {srNote}: The new service request note. {noteAddedByName}: The display name of the person who entered the new note. {noteAddedByPhone}: The phone number of the person who entered the new note. (4.27.14) {noteAddedByPhone2}: The other phone number of the person who entered the new note. (4.27.14) {srHistory}: The entire history of the request. {emReceiverID}: Email receiver user ID. {emReceiverName}: Email receiver display name. {srResponseDue}: Request response due date and time. {srResolutionDue}: Request resolution due date and time. {srClosingDue}: Request closing due date and time. {serviceName}: Service name. {statusName}: Status name. {priorityName}: Priority name. {assetName}: Asset name. {assetLatitude}: Asset latitude. {assetLongitude}: Asset longitude. To embed a link to a service request in an email, write a body template that looks like this: {siteUrl}/SR/SrDetailPage.aspx?srID={srID}