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Sending and importing email
Email Integration
nService integrates with standard SMTP and POP3 email servers. It can send notification by email. It can also receive email and save them as service requests. Replies to the the notification email can be imported into the history section of the corresponding service requests. To set up email integration, go to nService, Admin, Email, Email Settings and enter the information about your email servers. If you want nService to receive and import email, you must provide a dedicated email account to it.
Email Notification
In order for nService to send notifications such as a request has been assigned to some one, you need to create the notification rules. To do that, go to the Services, select the service you want and click the Notifications tab. The New Notification is on the toolbar.
Importing Service Specific Email
You can set up different email addresses for nService to import the email into different services. For example, you can create an sales@yourcompany.com email account and assign it to the "Sales" service you created in nService. When an email is received from the sales@yourcompan.com account, nService would import it as a request for the "Sales" service. You can create another email account service@yourcompany.com and assign it to the "Customer Services" service. Email received from this account would be saved as requests for the "Customer Services" service. You can assign an email account to a service on the Admin, Email, Email Settings page. You can tell nService to receive and import email automatically on this page.
Email integration can fail for many different reasons including wrong password. When something is not working as you expected, you can go to nService, Admin, Event Log. Errors should be logged there.
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Article #145
nService 4 Guide
User authentication and Active Directory integration
User authorization and access control
Sending and importing email
Customizing email subject lines
Keeping email receiver running
Email templates and variables
Creating reports
Adding new fields
Customizing look and feel
Customizing site header
Session timout
Upgrade instructions
Updated On: 8/28/2010
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