What's new in nService 4.26/4.27/4.28 8/19/2012 8:21:25 AM by Bill Hanks
1. Organization account manager. You can set it and use it in notification rules. 2. Favorite reports. The left panel of requests page only lists favorite reports that you designated, instead of all tabular and matrix reports. To add a favoriate report, run it and select the More Actions link next to the report title. 3. Search by request ID on the requests page for end users. 4. Request keyword indexing table. A keyword table instead of SQL LIKE is used for keyword search. This results in significate search speed improvement. 5. Multiple tabs of request detail page. You can define multiple tabs on Services, Actions, View Action Fields. 6. Detailed status of requests. You can enter a more detailed status on a request. Compare to the the status code, it helps management to have a better idea about where each request is at.