What's new in nService 4.29
10/1/2012 2:23:24 PM by Bill Hanks

1. Requests, Reports, Build Tabular Report
This new feature allows you to build complex query without SQL knowledge

2. Services, Edit Service, email fields
You can now email enable any service. Previously you can enable 11 services on the Admin, Email, Email Settings page. Now the fields are moved to the service editing page.

3. Forum, Edit Forum, Messages require captcha
Once enabled, an anonymous user must enter some numbers on a picture before submitting a message. This is design to prevent spam robots to insert advertisements in your forums.

4. Forum, Edit Forum, Messages require approval
Once enabled, new messages will need to be approved by some one in the moderator or administrator group of the forum.

5. Organizations, Edit Organization, Can Send Email
If unchecked, emails sent to users from this organization will be silently blocked.

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What's new in nService 4.29
10/1/2012 2:23 PM
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11/14/2009 8:36 PM